Tuesday, January 4, 2011

week 1 day 2

Sea kale, originally uploaded by Stephen*Iliffe.
It was a really great idea to get up and make a Green Smoothie. It was really stupid to oversleep. It was even more stupid to stand in my kitchen tearing kale when I should be brushing my teeth and leaving the house, only to abandon the smoothie, leave the kale on the countertop and run to the bus. Most stupid was being 20 minutes late for my costume fitting because I was oversleeping and tearing kale.

The rest of the day was yogurt and almonds, Spicy Cauliflower, an avocado with lime, an orange and Almond Chicken Soup. I ended up having a cup of caffeinated tea in the middle of the day to ease my withdrawal headache, but all in all a successful finish to a stupid start.

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